Prisoners of War List

If you know of any of these soldiers or their life, please reach out to as we would love to capture their story.

We have stories for the following soldiers to date.

Charles Arblaster Wesley Paul Choat Theodore Claxton Thomas Henry Herket James Lowther Mason Charles Mills WIlliam Henry Turner Andreas Adam Voitkun Henry Westerway
Rank Surname First and Middle Names Battalion Reg No Born Age at Enlistment Born Year of Death Age at Death Place Died
Lance Corporal Aldham John Henry 54th  5627 1891 24 Arncliffe, NSW 1977 86 NSW
Private Allen Frederick James 53rd 4728 1892 23 Gosford,NSW 1918 26 England
Private Amy Edward John 29th 1057 1893 22 Port Melbourne, Vic 1969 76 Victoria
Private Antrobus Aubrey William 29th 1968 1897 18 Milton, Queensland 1961 64 Victoria
Private Antrobus Harold 29th 1969 1896 19 Milton, Queensland 1979 83 NSW
Captain Arblaster Charles 53rd   1895 20 Pennyroyal, Vic 1916 21 France
Private Armstrong Joseph 54th  4430 1872 43 Ballybofen, Ireland     unknown
Private Arrowsmith Clarence 53rd 3226 1895 20 Bourke, NSW 1958 63 NSW
Private Ash Cyril Nielson 32nd 1209 1893 22 Kerang, Vic 1916 23 France
Private Ashcroft Herbert Alfonso 55th 3210 1892 23 Quebec, Canada 1965 73 NSW
Corporal Austin Merton James Desmond 55th 3230 1896 19 Wellington, NSW 1970 74 NSW
Private Badmington Richard Charles 53rd 3486 1889 26 Manly, NSW 1918 29 Germany
Corporal Bailey Leo Frank Joseph 53rd 3235 1894 21 Sydney, NSW 1955 61 NSW
Lance Corporal Balcomb Horace James 54th  4156 1891 24 Cranbury, NSW 1873 -18 NSW
Private Ballinger Ernest 29th 1272 1895 20 Hamilton, Vic 1916 21 Germany
Private Balsdon James 30th 2274 1889 26 Blythe, England 1916 27 France
Corporal Barnes James Joseph 55th 2562 1893 22 Goulburn, NSW 1976 83 NSW
Private Barnett Joseph 54th  4732 1884 31 Wigan, England 1943 59 NSW
Private Barrett Thomas 54th  4435 1887 28 Cairns, Qld 1935 48 Qld
Private Barry John 55th 2382 1882 33 Raymond Terrace, NSW 1941 59 NSW
Private Barry William Charles 29th 2514 1883 32 Melbourne, Victoria 1954 71 Victoria
Private Bartholomew Harold Jack 32nd 2283 1896 19 Adelaide, Sa 1976 80 South Australia
Private Bartlett Claude Thomas 32nd 3014 1886 29 Port Lincoln, SA 1953 67 South Australia
Sergeant Batteram Robert Isaac 31st 353 1888 27 Bayswater, Vic 1943 55 Qld
Private Bayes James Frank 32nd 1973 1896 19 Brompton, SA 1935 39 South Australia
Lance Corporal Bell Eric Walter 55th 1304 1896 19 Grenfell, NSW 1940 44 Qld
Captain Bernard Vivian Dalzell 31st   1895 20 Brisbane, Qld 1966 71 Victoria
Lance Corporal Bernays Gerald Chisholm 8th MGC 94 1893 22 Brisbane, Qld 1977 84 Qld
Lance Corporal Bilbow Herbert William 54th  1909 1887 28 London, England 1966 79 NSW
Private Bingham Ernest 54th  4441 1892 23 Sheffield, England 1966 74 NSW
Private Black James Joseph 31st 474 1888 27 Dunedin, New Zealand 1952 64 NSW
Private Black Stanley William 53rd 3010 1897 18 Cootamundra, NSW 1969 72 NSW
Private Blacka Arnold Edwin 54th  3720 1891 24 Cobargo, NSW 1962 71 NSW
Private Blackford Charles Thomas 54th  3625 1890 25 London, England 1942 52 NSW
Private Bolder Alfred Vincent 55th 3490 1887 28 Leeds, England 1968 81 NSW
Private Bolder Horace Dudley 55th 3489 1888 27 Leeds, England 1974 86 NSW
Private Bolton John 31st 590 1882 33 Christchurch, NZ 1961 79 NSW
Private Bolton Tom Dalzell 29th 1074 1896 19 Horsham, Victoria 1981 85 Victoria
Sergeant Bonnett James Raymond 54th  3482 1897 18 Towrang, NSW 1978 81 NSW
Corporal Bowen Arthur Donald 54th  2786 1889 26 Sydney, NSW 1963 74 NSW
2nd Lieutenant Bowman Albert William Montague 53rd   1884 31 Petersham, NSW 1943 59 NSW
Sergeant Bowman David McQueen 55th 1715 1888 27 Edinburgh, Scotland 1925 37 Scotland
Private Boyd Arthur James 54th  3010 1887 28 Maryborough, Queensland 1968 81 Wales
Private Bransdon Frederick McGregor 55th 3492 1893 22 Port Macquire, NSW 1936 43 NSW
Lance Corporal Breen Reginald James 53rd 4735 1894 21 Cobar, NSW 1965 71 NSW
Private Bremner George 54th  4261 1880 35 Glasgow, Scotland 1962 82 Victoria
Private Brennan William Arnold 55th 4741 1894 21 Kapunda, SA 1976 82 SA
Private Briant Calvin Ellis 58th 3239 1897 18 Maryborough, Victoria 1973 76 Victoria
Private Brooks Robert Matthew James 32nd 50 1896 19 Queenstown, SA 1958 62 SA
Sergeant Brown James Powell 54th  2789 1891 24 North Sydney, NSW 1968 77 NSW
Private Brown Joseph 29th 1059 1895 20 Geelong, Victoria 1946 51 Victoria
Private Brown Robert William 54th  2572 1896 19 Botany, NSW 1951 55 NSW
Private Brown Walter Norman 54th  4145 1895 20 Parramatta, NSW 1970 75 NSW
Private Browne Roy Birridge 54th  3463 1890 25 Darlinghurst, NSW 1947 57 NSW
Private Bryan Richard Alfred 55th 3767 1894 21 Sydney, NSW 1983 89 NSW
Private Burgess Edwin 32nd 57 1880 35 London, England 1972 92 NSW
Private Burrows Henry 32nd 1609 1873 42 Wounded at Fromelles 1916 43 France
Private Butler James 32nd 1611 1884 31 Sunbury, Victoria 1976 92 WA
Private Cahill James William 32nd 1989 1885 30 Moonta, SA 1916 31 France
Private Cahill Peter 32nd 1230 1884 31 Gippsland, Victoria 1937 53 WA
Private Calder Leslie William 54th  4450 1891 24 Petersham, NSW 1966 75 NSW
Private Campbell Alan Seager "Alen" 53rd 3515 1891 24 Rozelle, NSW 1957 66 NSW
Private Cane Arthur Samuel 55th 3221 1897 18 Chatswood, NSW 1916 19 France
Private Carr Norman Teale Pearce 32nd 63 1894 21 Hamley Bridge, SA 1943 49 SA
Private Carr Wilfred Daniel 54th  3511 1891 24 Jerilderie, NSW 1961 70 Vic
Private Carter Herbert Norman 54th  4748 1899 16 Newtown, NSW 1963 64 NSW
Private Carter Otway Vernon 29th 1093 1895 20 Horsham, Victoria 1967 72 Vic
Private Carter-Ihnen Lawrence Phillip 54th  3272 1897 18 Newtown, NSW 1974 77 NSW
Private Casey Michael John 55th 3027 1890 25 Melbourne, Victoria 1980 90 NSW
Private Chambers Frederick Joseph 55th 3032 1891 24 Sydney, NSW 1973 82 NSW
Private Childs Edgar 29th 1094 1891 24 London, England 1974 83 NSW
Private Choat Wesley Paul 32nd 68 1895 20 Cherry Gardens, SA 1976 81 SA
Private Clarke Benjamin Stanhope 54th  3510 1898 17 London, England 1927 29 England
Private Clarke Francis Arthur "Frank" 31st 560 1896 19 Harlesden, England 1955 59 England
Private Claxton Theodore 32nd 1238 1894 21 St Arnaud, Victoria 1968 74 Victoria
Private Coates John William 55th 2601 1889 26 Mount Morgan, Queensland 1969 80 NSW
Private Cobb Ernest Joseph 54th  2797 1893 22 Derby, England 1975 82 England
Private Coffey Ambrose James 32nd 2004 1886 29 Maitland, SA 1922 36 SA
Sergeant Cole Oliver Stanley 29th 1321 1899 16 Bendigo, Victoria 1970 71 Victoria
Private Colledge John Robert 32nd 915 1877 38 Melbourne, Victoria 1946 69 WA
Sergeant Colless Frederick Joscelyn 32nd 1194 1880 35 Bourke, NSW 1916 36 France
Sergeant Collett Harold Reginald 32nd 855 1892 23 Perth, WA 1980 88 WA
Private Collings John Vessey 31st 414 1893 22 Clunes, NSW 1964 71 NSW
Private Collis David Lewis 54th  4459 1877 38 Wagga Wagga, NSW 1929 52 NSW
Private Copley Allan Wallace  8th MGC 913 1894 21 Victoria 1916 22 France
Private Corrigan Alfred 32nd 2007 1897 18 Sturt, South Australia 1959 62 SA
Private Costello John Joseph 54th  4151 1898 17 Redfern, NSW 1973 75 NSW
Private Crebert Walter Henry 55th 3045 1888 27 Mayfield, NSW 1918 30 Germany
Private Creswell "Corby" Harry Daniel 54th  4171 1899 16 Kogorah, NSW 1980 81 NSW
Private Crossley Herbert Ellworthy 53rd 3497 1893 22 Kogorah, NSW 1966 73 NSW
Private Crozier William Wilson 53rd 3265 1888 27 Enmore, NSW 1951 63 NSW
Private Cumiskey Michael Joseph 31st 171 1887 28 Brisbane, Qld 1953 66 Qld
Lieutenant Cummins George C 55th   1886 29 Port Macquire, NSW 1953 67 Victoria
Private Davids Thomas John Herbert 32nd 473 1894 21 Lobethal, South Australia 1961 67 SA
Private Davidson Percy Albert 29th 1102 1893 22 Bendigo, Victoria 1916 23 France
Private Davies Byron Pellew 32nd 1249 1885 30 London, England 1954 69 WA
Private Davies Frederick 53rd 1943 1894 21 Roma, Queensland 1981 87 NSW
Private Davis Robert 55th 2341 1880 35 Stanford Rivers, England 1934 54 NSW
Private Davison Gordon 31st 187 1887 28 Lawrence, NSW 1964 77 NSW
Private Deans James Frederick 55th 4792 1893 22 Coonabarabran, NSW 1936 43 NSW
Private Deveigne Henry George 54th  2803 1888 27 Sydney, NSW 1965 77 NSW
Private Dewar Roderick 54th  4768 1900 15 Camperdown, NSW 1969 69 NSW
Private D'Herville Frederick Alexander 32nd 475 1894 21 Claredon, SA 1970 76 SA
Private Diamond Alfred Henry Lindon 54th  4474 1896 19 Woolomombi, NSW 1955 59 NSW
Private Dobson Thomas Harrison 53rd 3288 1894 21 Consett, England     unknown
Private Dolphin Frank Reuben 32nd 477 1887 28 Talia, SA 1947 60 SA
Private Donaghy Samuel 54th  3505 1889 26 Campelltown, NSW 1952 63 NSW
Sergeant Donovan Patrick Charles 29th 222 1888 27 London, England 1926 38 Victoria
Private Dorey William George 54th  4476 1880 35 Portsmouth, England 1931 51 Victoria
Private Dorfman Wolf 54th  4477 1887 28 Volin, Russia 1969 82 Victoria
Private Downes John Finlay 31st 190 1882 33 Clunes, Victoria 1979 97 Queensland
Lance Corporal Driscoll Thomas 8th MGC 100 1893 22 Hobart, Tasmania 1981 88 NSW
Private Dryden Harry Daniel 54th  4479 1891 24 Sydney, NSW 1946 55 NSW
Private Duff Alexander Moffatt 54th  4189 1894 21 Hobart, Tasmania 1967 73 NSW
Private Duff Charles McCrea 54th  3037 1870 45 Perth, Scotland 1939 69 NSW
Private Duncan Robert Ernest 54th  4482 1896 19 Sydney, NSW 1971 75 NSW
Private Dunlop Edwin Raymond 54th  4186 1886 29 Sydney, NSW 1963 77 NSW
Private Dunn Albert Henry 58th 3539 1882 33 Richmond, NSW 1923 41 Victoria
Private Dwyer Valentine John 54th  2390 1876 39 Dunghanglin, Ireland 1933 57 England
Private Dyke Thomas Donald  32nd 484 1885 30 Norwood 1916 31 France
Lance Corporal Dyke Walter 32nd 2022 1870 45 London, England 1958 88 South Australia
Corporal Eads Sydney 55th 3086 1884 31 Luton, England 1920 36 NSW
Lance Corporal Eather Ernest Albert 54th  3286 1897 18 Wyong, NSW 1956 59 NSW
Private Eaton William Joseph 54th  4166 1892 23 Dublin, Ireland 1962 70 NSW
Private Eaves Joseph Henry 54th  4165 1894 21 Mittagong, NSW 1916 22 France
Private Edwards William George 29th 2016 1892 23 Melbourne, Victoria 1949 57 Vic
Private Elliott John Colin 14th MGC 2640 1891 24 Murchison, Vic 1949 58 Vic
Private Ellis Ronald Charles 55th 3057 1896 19 Devonport, England 1976 80 NSW
Sergeant Ellison Norman George 29th 1107 1897 18 Clifton Hill, Victoria 1974 77 WA
Private Elmer Thomas William 32nd 1618 1892 23 Marylebone, England 1951 59 WA
Private Emerton Stephen 53rd 4772 1896 19 Oxley Island, NSW 1978 82 NSW
Private Eyles Roland James 54th  4192 1889 26 Ermington, NSW 1973 84 NSW
Corporal Fairweather Andrew Carnegie Booth 55th 1291 1884 31 Arbroath, Scotland 1916 32 Germany
Private Fairweather Richard William 54th  4198 1894 21 Parramatta, NSW 1964 70 NSW
Private Featherstone George Henry 32nd 1257 1888 27 Kalgoorlie, WA 1962 74 WA
Private Feeney Charles 53rd 2364 1890 25 Manchester, England 1969 79 NSW
Private Ferrett Gabriel Alphonse 54th  4776 1886 29 Manly, NSW 1935 49 NSW
Private Findlay Peter 32nd 2027 1885 30 Comrie, Scotland 1956 71 South Australia
Private Fletcher Harold Percival 54th  3044 1889 26 Cambden, NSW 1931 42 NSW
Private Foley Joseph Edward 54th  4784 1880 35 Brighton, Victoria 1940 60 Victoria
Lieutenant Folkard George D'arcy 55th   1894 21 Kogorah, NSW 1958 64 South Africa
Private Ford Samuel William 54th  4205 1890 25 Portsmouth, England 1935 45 WA
Private Foreman William 55th 3055 1898 17 Sydney, NSW 1984 86 NSW
Private Fox Frank William 32nd 3112 1897 18 White Cliffs, NSW 1968 71 NSW
Private Freeman George Harold 55th 1741 1892 23 Rouse, NSW 1944 52 Queensland
Private Freeman Herbert 57th 1897 1889 26 Parramatta, NSW 1917 28 France
Private Freeman Norman Lister 55th 3051 1891 24 Townsville, Qld 1916 25 France
Lance Corporal Freirat Peter 53rd 1356 1888 27 Kelmer, Sweeden 1932 44 USA
Private Fry Francis Patrick 54th  4492 1894 21 Berry, NSW 1970 76 NSW
Private Furlong James 54th  4782 1894 21 Pyrmont, NSW 1938 44 NSW
Lance Corporal Furlonger James Walker 31st 367 1893 22 Ballina, NSW 1959 66 Queensland
Private Furniss Joseph Ross 55th 2650 1887 28 Hastings, NZ 1952 65 NSW
Private Fursland Frederick 32nd 98 1885 30 Somerset, England 1921 36 SA
Private Fuss Lyal Hasalby 32nd 3115 1890 25 Burra, SA 1961 71 SA
Private Gallard Roy Marston 54th  4291 1893 22 Castle Hill, NSW 1974 81 NSW
Private Galloway James McCulloch 55th 3067 1895 20 Edinburgh, Scotland 1964 69 NSW
Private Gardner Norman Leslie 14th MGC 3513 1893 22 Woollongong, NSW 1964 71 NSW
Sergeant Gibbons Bert Alfred 54th  2817 1892 23 Collaroy, NSW 1984 92 NSW
Private Gibson George 32nd 2035 1893 22 Port Victoria, SA 1965 72 SA
Private Gigg George 54th  3299 1889 26 Annandale, NSW 1962 73 NSW
Private Giles John Albert 53rd 4788 1883 32 Sydney, NSW 1950 67 NSW
Private Gill Patrick Joseph 53rd 2636 1874 41 Galway, Ireland     unknown
Private Gillingham William 30th 1553 1887 28 Kings Lynn, England 1966 79 England
Private Good James McMillan 32nd 351 1876 39 Kyneton, Victoria 1945 69 Victoria
Private Gorman Raymond Sydney 55th 3810 1894 21 Sydney, NSW 1942 48 NSW
Private Goulding John Joseph 31st 555 1883 32 Holbeach, England 1916 33 France
Private Gradwell James 32nd 1272 1882 33 Blackwell, England 1958 76 England
Private Grant William Joseph 31st 685 1893 22 Port Melbourne, Vic 1970 77 Victoria
Private Gribbon George 55th 2728 1895 20 Manchester, England 1951 56 NSW
Private Griffiths Gilbert Allen 32nd 1276 1886 29 New South Wales 1916 30 France
Private Grimes Joseph Henry 55th 3237 1885 30 Hawthorn, Victoria 1938 53 NSW
Corporal Haddy Horace Bertram 32nd 508 1893 22 Mount Gambier, SA 1964 71 SA
Private Hall Frederick 32nd 513 1892 23 Biston, England 1986 94 SA
Private Hall Robert Ephrim 30th 898 1890 25 Brighton, Victoria 1954 64 Victoria
Private Hall Stephen 31st 1546 1888 27 Glasgow, Scotland 1958 70 Queensland
Private Hall William George 54th  3474 1875 40 Kent, England 1949 74 NSW
Private Hammond James Hugh 55th 4828 1898 17 Yarrawonga, Vic 1993 95 NSW
Private Hanna Lindsay Donald 54th  4226 1892 23 Picton, NSW 1964 72 NSW
Private Hansen Leslie Hamilton 54th  4507 1898 17 Werris Creek, NSW 1972 74 NSW
Private Hard Gordon Jeffery 32nd 1281 1893 22 Melbourne, Victoria 1926 33 WA
Sergeant Harding Thomas Walter 29th 2043 1886 29 Westbury, Tasmania 1945 59 Victoria
Lance Seargeant Harrison Arthur Lawrence 53rd 2825 1893 22 Lismore, NSW 1970 77 NSW
Private Harrison Frederick Ernest 55th 3311 1893 22 Darlington, NSW 1979 86 NSW
Private Hart Frederick William 14th MGC 3323 1885 30 Molong, NSW 1964 79 NSW
Private Hart (aka Heaney) George Henry 31st 434 1879 36 Brisbane, Qld 1916 37 France
Private Haslam Percy Arthur 54th  4512 1891 24 Glen Innes, NSW 1979 88 NSW
Private Henry George Joseph 54th  3647 1893 22 Gosford,NSW 1988 95 NSW
Private Henry John Alexander 32nd 1284 1894 21 Whiteinch, Scotland 1972 78 WA
Private Henry Robert 31st 344 1896 19 Yallock, via Koo-wee-rup, Victoria 1991 95 Victoria
Private Herket Thomas Henry 53rd 3309 1884 31 Auckland, NZ 1942 58 Philippines
Private Hill Ernest John 32nd 1288 1876 39 Yorkshire, England 1949 73 WA
Private Hoare Walter Martin 54th  4310 1892 23 London, England 1977 85 NSW
Private Hodson Victor Henry Herbstone 59th 3990 1896 19 Camberwell, Victoria 1936 40 Victoria
Private Holloway Leonard James 54th  3074 1890 25 Marrickville, NSW 1967 77 NSW
Corporal Holman *Devenish Walter Ernest 8th MGC 99 1894 21 Perth, WA 1990 96 WA
Private Holmes Hector 56th 3555 1892 23 Darkes Forest, NSW 1966 74 NSW
Private Holmesby Horace Arthur 30th 189 1878 37 Rosedale, SA 1964 86 NSW
Private Hook Roy Samuel William Henry 32nd 525 1897 18 Prospect, Queenland 1916 19 France
Corporal Horne Bertram Ernest 54th  4518 1893 22 Singleton, NSW 1967 74 NSW
Corporal Housego Charles Christopher 55th 3088 1890 25 London, England 1960 70 NSW
Private Hughes Arthur John 54th  4223 1889 26 Newcastle, NSW 1938 49 NSW
Major Hughes John James 32nd   1875 40 Mount Barker, SA 1962 87 SA
Private Hybenett Alfred Frederic 55th 3326 1888 27 Sydney, NSW 1934 46 NSW
Private Jackson Alfred John 54th  4524 1897 18 Artarmon, NSW 1972 75 NSW
Private James William John 55th 3076 1897 18 Sydney, NSW 1977 80 NSW
Corporal Jenkins John Alexander Whitmore 54th  4247 1894 21 Sydney, NSW 1974 80 NSW
Private Johnson George Ethelbert 32nd 120 1885 30 Black Rock Plains, SA 1957 72 SA
Private Johnson Noel Mobrey 54th  3085 1893 22 Bathurst, NSW 1969 76 NSW
Lance Corporal Johnson Richard Hardwick 32nd 969 1875 40 Manchester, England 1924 49 Victoria
Private Johnston William Henry 55th 3253 1889 26 Prahan, Victoria 1967 78 Victoria
Private Jones Albert 55th 3097 1882 33 Sydney, NSW     unknown
Private Jones David 54th  3081 1882 33 Langollan, Wales 1962 80 NSW
Private Jones John Edward Copeland 55th 3075 1895 20 Staffordshire, England     unknown
Private Kearney John 29th 288 1894 21 Flemington, Victoria 1950 56 Vic
Captain Keay Robert Allyth 32nd   1891 24 Subiaco, WA 1981 90 WA
Private Keenan Oscar 53rd 2729 1884 31 Bingara, NSW 1957 73 SA
Private Keirnan Leonard 54th  4812 1895 20 Mittagong, NSW 1947 52 NSW
Private Kelly Rowland Humphrey 54th  4318 1897 18 Manchester, England 1981 84 NSW
Private Kendell Arthur George  55th 3256 1890 25 Ringwood, England 1945 55 NSW
Lance Corporal Kent Bertram (Albert Kimpton) 53rd 3337 1886 29 Bendigo, Victoria 1924 38 Victoria
Private Kerle Franz Ferdinand 31st 516 1893 22 Ipswich, Queensland 1975 82 Qld
Private Key Harold George 54th  4250 1888 27 Tenterfield, NSW 1977 89 NSW
Private Key Sydney Norman 54th  4815 1894 21 Sydney, NSW 1954 60 NSW
Private Killalea John Francis 53rd 3339 1872 43 Surrey Hills, NSW 1948 76 NSW
Private Kiss Reginald Sylvester 54th  2835 1892 23 Kootamundra, NSW 1959 67 NSW
Private Knight James 31st 2038 1883 32 Eastleigh, South Africa 1916 33 France
Private Lamont Frederick Harold 29th 1163 1894 21 Moe, Victoria 1951 57 Victoria
Private Lampe Norman Elliott 32nd 123 1893 22 Oakbank, SA 1961 68 WA
Private Lamprey Frank Augustine 32nd 2062 1895 20 Gawler, SA 1973 78 SA
Private Land Frederick John 54th  4532 1891 24 Dulverton, England 1961 70 England
Private Langmead Roy Leslie 29th 2546 1891 24 Healesville, Victoria 1965 74 Victoria
Private Law Hilton Bradlaugh 30th 217 1895 20 Bowraville, NSW 1959 64 NSW
Private Lawrence Francis John 55th 3258 1894 21 Redfern, NSW 1916 22 France
Private Lawson William Wallace 54th  4370 1890 25 Kerrs Creek, NSW 1916 26 France
Private Leane Albert Charles 55th 2954 1878 37 Liverpool, NSW 1937 59 NSW
Sergeant Lewis Clement Francis 32nd 407 1896 19 Mylor, SA 1951 55 SA
Private Lewis John 31st 2481 1875 40 Glamorgan, Wales 1954 79 NSW
Private Lohmann Herbert George 54th  3563 1895 20 Balmain, NSW 1970 75 NSW
2nd Lieutenant Lovejoy Harold Redman 54th    1882 33 London, England 1961 79 NSW
Private Lukeen George Michael 54th  4537 1883 32 Newcastle, NSW 1929 46 NSW
Private Luland Frederick Henry 55th 4837 1897 18 Waterloo, NSW 1976 79 NSW
Sergeant Luly Alfred Esmond 32nd 856 1893 22 Leichardt, NSW 1934 41 WA
Private Machin Harry 29th 2100 1883 32 Launceston, Tasmania 1956 73 Victoria
Private Mackay John 55th 3536 1883 32 Pyrmont, NSW 1947 64 NSW
Corporal Mackenzie Allan Wallace  31st 250 1890 25 Melbourne, Victoria 1916 26 France
Private Maher Joseph 55th 3885 1889 26 Temora, NSW 1976 87 NSW
Private Mandeville John 55th 6732 1880 35 Lahore, India 1953 73 Queensland
Private Manley Lance "Laurie Lancelot" 54th  4538 1895 20 Broken Hill, NSW 1960 65 NSW
Private Marks Charles Beresford 8th MGC 111 1893 22 Toowoomba, Qld 1966 73 Qld
Private Marrinon Joseph Patrick Vidal 31st 254 1892 23 Suva, Fiji 1964 72 NSW
Private Marshall Sydney 55th 3861 1893 22 Glamorgan, Wales 1986 93 ACT
Private Martin Albert James 54th  2848 1891 24 Quirindi, NSW 1969 78 NSW
Private Martin Cecil George 55th 3385 1897 18 Artarmon, NSW 1969 72 NSW
Private Martin Francis Leo Joseph 53rd 3398 1895 20 Marrickville, NSW 1973 78 NSW
Private Martin Sidney Henry  James 29th 1192 1896 19 London, England     unknown
Private Martin William James 55th 3375 1895 20 Surrey Hills, NSW 1948 53 NSW
Lance Corporal Mason Arnold Blandeston *Branston 14th FCE 5385 1885 30 Taree, NSW 1955 70 NSW
Lance Corporal Mason Arthur Frederick 55th 1990 1889 26 Norfolk, England 1960 71 England
Private Mason James Lowther 31st 470 1873 42 Christchurch, NZ 1916 43 France
Captain Matthews John Hamilton 55th 687 1893 22 Cootamundra, NSW 1965 72 NSW
Private Maude Frederick William 55th 3135 1893 22 Wallerarang, NSW 1967 74 NSW
Private Mayo William Burns 53rd 4811 1897 18 Woy Woy, NSW 1971 74 NSW
Private Mayston Sydney Robert 29th 2081 1886 29 Malvern, Victoria 1923 37 Victoria
Private McCabe William Jenkins 55th 1702 1885 30 Brisbane, Qld 1973 88 NSW
Private McCrossin John Stratford 53rd 3155 1895 20 Armidale, NSW 1986 91 Queensland
Private McCue Charles Joseph 53rd 3536 1894 21 Manly, NSW 1961 67 NSW
Sergeant McCurley Robert Thomas 54th  2557 1891 24 Port Macquire, NSW 1972 81 NSW
Corporal McDonald John 54th  4278 1893 22 Paisley, Scotland     unknown
Corporal McDonald Robert 32nd 18 1888 27 Port Pirie, SA 1937 49 SA
Private McFarlane Claude Joseph 54th  4557 1897 18 Wagga Wagga, NSW 1953 56 NSW
Private McGarvey Sidney Ernest 30th 721 1896 19 Sydney, NSW 1926 30 NSW
Private McGoldrick Charles Dominic 55th 3124 1897 18 Surrey Hills, NSW 1982 85 NSW
Private McInnes William John 55th 3874 1894 21 Kempsey, NSW 1933 39 NSW
Private McIntyre Terence Michael 32nd 571 1897 18 Adelaide, Sa 1977 80 SA
Corporal McKee Alexander 54th  4560 1897 18 Sydney, NSW 1983 86 NSW
Private McKell Arthur Edward 53rd 4828 1893 22 Orange, NSW 1967 74 NSW
Private McKenzie Robert 55th 3577 1893 22 Liverpool, England 1963 70 NSW
Private McKinnon Daniel 32nd 1330 1891 24 London, England 1916 25 France
Private McMahon Claude Stanley 53rd 3156 1893 22 Sydney, NSW 1958 65 NSW
Private McMaster George Stewart 14th MGC 3118 1892 23 Sydney, NSW 1972 80 NSW
Private McPherson John 55th 3355 1884 31 Port Chalmers, NZ 1958 74 NZ
Private McPherson John Joseph 31st 3846 1886 29 Darlbeth, Scotland 1918 32 Germany
Private McPherson Leslie Allan 55th 3567 1896 19 Queanbeyan, NSW 1958 62 NSW
Private Messenger John Arnold 32nd 572 1896 19 Adelaide, Sa 1983 87 SA
Private Meyer Norman 54th  4840 1892 23 Dulwich Hill, NSW 1941 49 NSW
Private Middleton Frank 29th 2088 1877 38 Geelong, Victoria 1930 53 Victoria
Captain Mills Charles 31st   1876 39 Cheltenham, England 1937 61 Victoria
Private Milne James Douglas 54th  3576 1893 22 Fairfield, NSW 1963 70 NSW
Private Mitchell Colin Alexander 53rd 2734 1896 19 Casino, NSW 1950 54 NSW
Private Moir Frank Edward 54th  432 1884 31 London, England 1961 77 NSW
Private Mollison Arthur Cecil 53rd 4814 1889 26 Numurkah, Victoria 1970 81 NSW
Private Molloy John 53rd 3371 1884 31 Sydney, NSW     unknown
Private Montgomery Robert 55th 4854 1880 35 Murrurundi, NSW  1962 82 NSW
Private Moody Bruce 54th  3577 1892 23 Cobar, NSW 1923 31 NSW
Private Moore Tom Dalzell 32nd 1539 1896 19 Adelaide, Sa 1967 71 SA
Private Morrall Leslie Alexander George 55th 2860 1897 18 Surrey Hills, NSW 1960 63 NSW
Corporal Morris John Elwyn 53rd 3137 1895 20 Forbes, NSW 1969 74 Victoria
Private Morris Norman Sidney 55th 3371 1891 24 Parramatta, NSW 1964 73 NSW
Lance Seargeant Mules Robert James 32nd 415 1891 24 Mitcham, SA 1946 55 SA
Private Munn George 54th  4847 1887 28 Denman, NSW 1918 31 Germany
Private Murdock Samuel 32nd 147 1894 21 Warooka, SA 1986 92 SA
Private Murray Dick Clifford {Richard Eustace) 55th 3883 1895 20 Marrickville, NSW 1977 82 NSW
Private Myers John Archibald 53rd 2737 1898 17 Sydney, NSW 1966 68 NSW
Private Nash Charles Buxton 58th 1865 1896 19 Williamstown, Victoria 1916 20 Germany
Private Neill Bernard Peter 32nd 3859 1892 23 Minimay, Victoria 1972 80 Victoria
Private Neill Daniel Edward 32nd 1547 1889 26 Minimay, Victoria 1962 73 SA
Private Nelligan Adrian Thomas 32nd 587 1886 29 Southwark, SA 1959 73 SA
Private Newman Charles Melville 14th MGC 2878 1894 21 Penrith, NSW 1950 56 NSW
CSM Newman Kenneth Fossey 29th 307 1895 20 Melbourne, Victoria 1978 83 Victoria
Private Nicholes Frederick Alfred Scott 53rd 3387 1896 19 Hampshire, England 1950 54 NSW
Private Nicholls Frederick William 53rd 3388 1897 18 Junee, NSW 1976 79 NSW
Private Nolan Justin Aloysius 55th 2509 1888 27 Newcastle, NSW 1928 40 NSW
Private Nolan William 32nd 2084 1876 39 Barcaldine, Queensland     unknown
Private Noll Ernest Hansen 29th 1197 1893 22 Melbourne, Victoria 1962 69 Victoria
Private North Frederick 54th  4330 1894 21 Armidale, NSW     unknown
Private O'Brien Charles Percy 55th 3890 1885 30 Sydney, NSW 1940 55 NSW
Private O'Halloran Charles Henry 54th  4333 1885 30 Adelaide, Sa 1946 61 NSW
Private O'Neill John Joseph 55th 4806 1894 21 Wollongong, NSW 1918 24 Germany
Private Osborne Terence 54th  2934 1879 36 Belfast, Ireland 1935 56 NSW
Private Owen Robert Herman 53rd 3395 1897 18 Ashfield, NSW 1965 68 NSW
Private Owens Michael Frank 55th 3143 1890 25 Pyrmont, NSW 1975 85 NSW
Private Packer Frederick Ryland 55th 3279 1891 24 Hobart, Tasmania 1972 81 NSW
Private Parish Leslie Walter 32nd 2091 1891 24 Wallaroo, SA 1960 69 SA
Private Parry Reuben 29th 1211 1894 21 Ballan, Victoria 1968 74 Victoria
Private Parsonage Anson Ronald 55th 4869 1894 21 Sydney, NSW 1972 78 NSW
Private Paton Charles 54th  2012 1889 26 Bretchen, Scotland 1968 79 Scotland
Private Pattison Cyril William 55th 3353 1895 20 Redfern, NSW 1927 32 NSW
Private Payne Samuel 30th 515 1892 23 Tamworth, NSW 1936 44 NSW
Private Pearce Alfred James 53rd 1650 1895 20 Walcha, NSW 1975 80 NSW
Corporal Pearce Harold John 30th 801 1893 22 Huntington, England 1916 23 France
Lance Corporal Pearce Oliver Austin Jr 55th 3200 1894 21 Bankstown, NSW 1973 79 NSW
Private Pearce William Henry 53rd 3098 1894 21 Walcha, NSW 1976 82 NSW
Private Phelan Patrick James 30th 1816 1897 18 Picton, NSW 1970 73 NSW
Private Potter Walter Arthur 54th  4578 1884 31 Bathurst, NSW 1945 61 NSW
Private Powell Reginald Lester 32nd 2387 1897 18 Exeter, SA 1987 90 SA
Private Powell Thomas Henry 54th  4579 1892 23 Dubbo, NSW 1963 71 NSW
Lance Corporal Powis Charles Edward 30th 1601 1889 26 Upton, England 1916 27 Germany
Private Pryor Harry Asher 54th  3639 1897 18 Quirindi, NSW 1983 86 NSW
Private Purdon Reginald Arthur 55th 3901 1895 20 Bathurst, NSW 1964 69 NSW
Private Purdon Sydney Victor 55th 3902 1887 28 O'Connell, NSW 1948 61 NSW
Private Quinn William 53rd 4941 1881 34 Glasgow, Scotland 1943 62 Qld
Private Quirk Thomas Alfred 55th 3154 1881 34 Melbourne, Victoria 1930 49 NSW
Private Ralph Victor 55th 2896 1897 18 York, England 1974 77 NSW
Private Rankine Andrew Bruce 53rd 3412 1891 24 Adelaide, Sa 1947 56 SA
Captain Ranson Frederick Richard 53rd   1894 21 Strathfield, NSW 1964 70 Queensland
Private Ratcliffe John 55th 4882 1894 21 Sydney, NSW 1961 67 NSW
Private Reay John Gilbert 55th 4885 1891 24 Wallsend, NSW 1916 25 France
Lance Corporal Redman Thomas Henry  Wright 32nd 167 1876 39 North Adelaide, SA 1952 76 SA
Private Reed George Henry 54th  3398 1894 21 Bombala, NSW 1966 72 NSW
Private Reid Alexander Henderson 54th  4304 1884 31 Dundee, Scotland 1965 81 NSW
Private Reoch Robert 31st 407 1893 22 Brisbane, Qld 1956 63 Victoria
Private Rice William Henry 32nd 604 1885 30 Millbrook, SA 1961 76 SA
Private Richards Alfred 55th 3419 1885 30 Pontypool, Wales 1962 77 NSW
Private Richardson Russell Burton 54th  4301 1890 25 Orange, NSW 1960 70 NSW
Corporal Ridley Ernest Robert 30th 1023 1885 30 London, England 1973 88 Victoria
Private Riley Douglas 53rd 4843 1892 23 Sydney, NSW 1991 99 NSW
Sergeant Robertson Eric Lionel 53rd 3516 1896 19 Kogorah, NSW 1961 65 NSW
Corporal Robinson William 32nd 417 1886 29 Gawler, SA 1925 39 SA
Private Rolls George Henry 53rd 3581 1875 40 Inverell, NSW 1953 78 NSW
Private Ross Benjamin 29th 3890 1882 33 Tewantin, Qld 1950 68 Qld
Private Rowledge Albert 55th 3610 1878 37 Hurstville, NSW 1943 65 NSW
Private Russell George Patrick 32nd 349 1896 19 Adelaide, Sa 1965 69 SA
Private Russell Thomas Horace 29th 1213 1893 22 Walthamstowe, England 1931 38 Victoria
Private Ryan Daniel 14th MGC 2806 1893 22 Peak Hill, NSW     unknown
Private Ryan Joseph 53rd 3414 1884 31 Sydney, NSW     unknown
Corporal Sargent Foster Hartley 54th  4587 1879 36 Sydney, NSW 1924 45 NSW
Private Scrimgeour Thomas 29th 2137 1895 20 Colac, Victoria 1916 21 France
Private Seach Charles Adam 53rd 3430 1879 36 Bathurst, NSW 1948 69 NSW
Lance Corporal Secker Francis Marrett 32nd 177 1890 25 Adelaide, Sa 1963 73 SA
Private Seinor William Ernest 55th 3178 1888 27 Inverell, NSW 1973 85 NSW
Private Sellen Donald Alexander 55th 4899 1877 38 Ryde, NSW 1949 72 NSW
Private Semple James 58th 2868 1882 33 Dunhehadee , Ireland 1976 94 Victoria
Private Seymour Aubrey Isaac 55th 3920 1891 24 Bathurst, NSW 1962 71 NSW
Private Sharkey Edward 53rd 4872 1892 23 Canterbury, NSW 1977 85 NSW
Private Shearin Charles Ebenezer 53rd 4862 1888 27 Riverstone, NSW 1943 55 NSW
Private Shepherd Albert John 54th  4878 1897 18 Sydney, NSW 1978 81 NSW
Private Sherwin Harold Austin 55th 3294 1894 21 Captains Flat, NSW 1951 57 NSW
Private Shields Victor Forest Stanley 32nd 296 1892 23 Adelaide, Sa 1945 53 SA
Private Shiels Robert Barnett 29th 1240 1893 22 St Kilda, Victoria 1950 57 Victoria
Sergeant Shirley George 55th 3305 1882 33 Sydney, NSW 1940 58 NSW
Private Siggins Henry 32nd 180 1893 22 Streaky Bay, SA 1971 78 SA
Private Sim David 53rd 3468 1885 30 Dalkeith, Scotland 1957 72 NSW
Private Simms Clarence George 32nd 2107 1893 22 Moonta, SA 1968 75 SA
Private Simms Samuel Charles 53rd 1822 1879 36 Quirindi, NSW 1940 61 Victoria
Sergeant Simpson Harold John 53rd 2414 1893 22 Sydney, NSW 1959 66 NSW
Private Sinclair Alex Aikeman 53rd 2445 1880 35 Dunbarton, Scotland 1935 55 NSW
Private Skea James 54th  4880 1884 31 Arbroath, Scotland     unknown
Corporal Skelly James 55th 3235 1894 21 Orange, NSW 1969 75 NSW
Private Skewes Joseph 58th 3449 1876 39 Creswick, Victoria 1932 56 Victoria
Private Smith Frederick 55th 3170 1894 21 Redfern, NSW     unknown
Private Smith George Wen 55th 3327 1891 24 Launceston, Tasmania 1968 77 NSW
Lance Corporal Smith Percy Carlton 55th 2675 1892 23 Sydney, NSW 1965 73 NSW
Private Smith Roy Edward Norman 53rd 3483 1896 19 Hampshire, England 1979 83 NSW
Private Smith William Henry 54th  2688 1877 38 Birmingham, England     unknown
Private Smith William Roy 55th 3169 1896 19 Sydney, NSW 1986 90 NSW
Private Smith William Walter 53rd 3106 1871 44 Sydney, NSW 1953 82 NSW
Private Soper Stephen 53rd 3112 1894 21 Hammersmith, England 1976 82 NSW
Private Spain John 32nd 1571 1892 23 Sydney, NSW 1985 93 NSW
Private Sparkes Valentine Camps 55th 3175 1891 24 Foster, Victoria 1971 80 NSW
Sergeant Speakman John 54th  791 1890 25 Leigh, England     unknown
Corporal Speer Robert Allan 54th  3138 1885 30 Bangalore, NSW 1949 64 NSW
Private Sporsen Robert Charles 32nd 1591 1896 19 Adelaide, Sa 1943 47 SA
Private St John Thomas 54th  3382 1893 22 Camperdown, NSW 1940 47 NSW
Lance Corporal Stanton Dougald Pitta 53rd 3427 1889 26 Mosman, NSW 1975 86 NSW
Private Steele James 53rd 4860 1894 21 Glasgow, Scotland 1951 57 NSW
Private Stevens Raymond Edward 54th  3219 1894 21 Bombala, NSW 1972 78 NSW
Private Stewart Donald Singleton 54th  4600 1897 18 Wellington, NSW 1951 54 NSW
Private Stiles Joseph Frederick 53rd 4857 1876 39 London, England 1954 78 NSW
Corporal Still Harry Andrew 31st 802 1897 18 Bendigo, Victoria 1966 69 Victoria
Private Stokes Alfred Charles 53rd 4922 1891 24 Camperdown, NSW 1956 65 Victoria
Private Stokes Sidney Charles 30th 1616 1897 18 Sydney, NSW 1965 68 NSW
Private Stone Allison David 32nd 1404 1893 22 Bright, Victoria 1963 70 WA
Private Stone Charles Walter 32nd 1375 1894 21 Pingelly, WA 1951 57 WA
Private Storey David Burn 30th 1143 1894 21 Essendon, Victoria 1960 66 Victoria
Private Stringfellow George Henry James 55th 3436 1895 20 Sydney, NSW 1976 81 NSW
Private Summerfield Herbert 54th  4892 1895 20 Mudgee, NSW 1974 79 NSW
Private Tate Charles William Sturdy 54th  4606 1898 17 Marrickville, NSW 1916 18 France
Private Taylor Albert Duncan 53rd 4878 1882 33 Adelong, NSW 1961 79 NSW
Private Taylor Arthur 55th 3304 1885 30 Rochdale, England 1980 95 NSW
Private Terrens Albert James 31st 956 1892 23 Malvern, Victoria 1916 24 France
Private Tharme Herbert Sampson 55th 3188 1886 29 Wolverhampton, England 1948 62 NSW
Private Thomas Henry Lamert 30th 2466 1897 18 Orange, NSW 1988 91 NSW
Sapper Thomas Stanley 8th FCE 6035 1895 20 Wales 1969 74 NSW
Private Thomas William 31st 959 1872 43 England 1916 44 France
Private Thomas William John 54th  4608 1890 25 Newport, Wales 1916 26 France
Private Thompson Landy Creel 30th 2170 1894 21 Bathurst, NSW 1957 63 New Zealand
Private Thomson George Leslie 31st 3547 1896 19 Murwillumbah, NSW 1945 49 NSW
Private Thornburrow Edward James 31st 763 1897 18 Valletta, Malta 1916 19 France
Private Tilley Walter Edward 54th  4378 1885 30 Sydney, NSW 1948 63 NSW
Private Tilling Sydney 32nd 345 1883 32 Kapunda, SA 1953 70 SA
Private Tilney William 54th  4526 1890 25 London, England 1967 77 NSW
Private Timperley Richard Ernest 14th MGC 3454 1871 44 Darwen, England 1922 51 NSW
Private Toohey Michael 31st 325 1885 30 Granchester, Qld 1959 74 Qld
Private Train Stanley Norman 32nd 1580 1892 23 Kadina, SA 1961 69 SA
Private Turner Bernard Colin 53rd 3531 1895 20 Surrey Hills, NSW 1916   France
Private Turner Harry Alland 29th 1255 1884 31 Clapham, England 1939 55 Victoria
Private Turner William Henry 54th  3606 1892 23 Picton, NSW 1974 82 NSW
Lance Corporal Turton Forrest Raymond 32nd 1064 1891 24 Toodyay, WA 1989 98 WA
Private Tyers William 29th 1257 1896 19 Nottingham, England 1992 96 Victoria
Private Vardon Arthur Edward 32nd 341 1873 42 Hindmarsh, SA 1947 74 SA
Private Vincent Sydney 54th  4379 1887 28 Waverley, NSW 1933 46 NSW
Private Voitkun Andreas 32nd 2134 1885 30 Riga, Latvia 1971 86 SA
Private Vowles Thomas 31st 310 1885 30 Brisbane, Qld 1921 36 Qld
Private Wait Edison 29th 352 1890 25 Metcalfe, Victoria 1962 72 Vic
Private Waldon Harold Victor 55th 3148 1893 22 Sydney, NSW 1958 65 NSW
Private Waldron Harry 54th  2506 1894 21 Stourbridge, England 1955 61 England
Private Walker Edward Ernest 53rd 4893 1893 22 Sydney, NSW 1976 83 NSW
Private Walker Edwin James 14th MGC 2805 1894 21 Goulburn, NSW 1957 63 NSW
Private Wallace Thomas Carr 30th 1624 1896 19 Katoomba, NSW 1975 79 NSW
Private Wallis Edward "Edmund" 32nd 636 1891 24 Kensington, SA 1962 71 SA
Private Walter Arthur Barton 55th 3310 1886 29 Surrey Hills, NSW 1962 76 NSW
Corporal Waltke Harold William 32nd 420 1895 20 Hamley Bridge, SA 1946 51 SA
Private Warner Ernest Edward 32nd 202 1887 28 Mount Torrens, SA 1967 80 SA
Corporal Warnock Arnold Edwin 29th 354 1895 20 Benalla, Victoria 1985 90 Victoria
Private Watson James Horace 32nd 640 1890 25 Meadows South, SA 1963 73 SA
Private Watson John Elliot 32nd 634 1890 25 Adelaide, Sa 1922 32 SA
Private Watson Norman Leslie 30th 2475 1894 21 Melbourne, Victoria 1971 77 NSW
Private Watson Sinton 8th MGC 117 1892 23 Down, Ireland 1957 65 Qld
Private Webb George 54th  3151 1890 25 Orange, NSW 1950 60 NSW
Private Weddup George 55th 3311 1892 23 Hove, England 1957 65 NSW
Sapper Wemestad Oscar Olaf 14th FCE 6105 1874 41 Townsville, Qld 1945 71 Queensland
Private West George Annesley 54th  2890 1888 27 Lismore, NSW 1969 81 NSW
Private Westerway Henry 55th 4921 1885 30 Broken Hill, NSW 1940 55 NSW
Corporal White George Stephen 29th 365 1894 21 Windsor, Victoria 1962 68 Victoria
Private White William 31st 28 1891 24 Clare, Ireland     unknown
Private Whitney Marshall Carlyle Cuthbert 55th 3151 1897 18 Ganmain, NSW 1978 81 NSW
Private Wilkin Harold John 29th 1269 1893 22 Canterbury, Victoria 1964 71 Victoria
Private Wilkins Herbert Alfred 53rd 3467 1891 24 Maryborough, Victoria 1945 54 Victoria
Private Wilkinson Norman 54th  3539 1897 18 Glebe, NSW 1973 76 NSW
Private Williamson Alexander William 54th  4913 1884 31 Bathurst, NSW 1954 70 NSW
Private Willis John Arthur 53rd 3457 1897 18 Adelaide, Sa 1968 71 NT
Private Wilson Frank Alexander 55th 3197 1878 37 London, England 1922 44 NSW
Corporal Wilson John Henry 54th  3170 1885 30 Sydney, NSW 1946 61 NSW
Private Wolff Edward Alfred 32nd 213 1885 30 Adelaide, Sa 1916 31 France
Lance Corporal Wright Eric Stanley 30th 70 1892 23 Darlinghurst, NSW 1972 80 NSW
Private Wright Frederick Llewellyn 54th  3464 1895 20 Herne Bay, England 1969 74 NSW
Private Young Albert Edward 53rd 3535 1896 19 Darlington, NSW 1958 62 NSW
Lance Corporal Zachariah David Henry Monty 32nd 653 1893 22 North Adelaide, SA 1916 23 Germany
Captain Charles ARBLASTER
source Courtesy of the Arblaster family
Pte Wesley Paul CHOAT, MM 1895-1976
source State Records of South Australia SRSA ref GRG26/5/4/2358 - cropped
Private Thomas Henry HERKET
source AWM Collection C207346, P00063.001
James Lowther Mason (1873 -1916))
source Virtual War Memorial Australia, courtesy of Faithe Jones
Captain Charles MILLS 1876-1937
source AWM Collections, P03236.097
Pte William Henry TURNER 1893-1974
source Courtesy of Ted Adamson