Killed in Action, 20 Jul 1916, Fromelles, France. On German Death List - aged 20
Place of Burial
Pheasant Wood Military Cemetery, Fromelles – grave to be re-dedicated
V.C. Corner, (Panel 4), Australian Cemetery and Memorial, Fromelles, France
Positively Identified
Yes, 2023
1915 – Keen to do his duty
STOP PRESS - 24th April 2023 Pheasant Wood Identification
The minister has this day (24 April 2023) announced that Oscar has been identified as being buried in Pheasant Wood Cemetery
Our genealogical research is part of a collaborative effort with families, The Fromelles Project team of the Unrecovered War Casualties Section – Army and other interested folk. Without this spirit of co-operation, very few identifications could be made.
We wish to acknowledge and applaud our volunteer researchers who have worked many thousands of hours to achieve these, and so many other identifications.
At this time of great joy for those families of Fromelles soldiers just identified, and for our Association members, we are also thinking of the many, many families who hoped for an identification, but that has not occurred at this time.
Oscar was the youngest son of a well-known Hahndorf family in South Australia. He had served with the voluntary cadets during school and continued afterwards with the Citizens Forces. Keen to do his duty but under the prescribed age, he obtained his parents’ consent to enlist.
19 July 1915, Parents’ approval, exactly one year and one day prior to his death at 20 years of age.
sourceNAA: B2455, BAUMANN, Oscar Eric – First AIF Personnel Dossiers 1914-1920, page 8
Despite being only 19 years old, he was promoted to Lance Sergeant a month after signing up and was promoted to Sergeant on 1st November 1915 just prior to embarking overseas with the 32nd Battalion. It transpired that the troopship which carried Oscar’s battalion, the HMAT A2 Geelong, was making its last voyage as it collided with a supply ship shortly after disembarking the men in Egypt. It sank with no loss of life on New Year’s day in the Mediterranean Sea near Alexandria, Egypt.
Oscar’s family
Oscar’s father, Christian Heinreich Baumann, came to Australia in 1877 on the Peter Godeffroy bound for Port Adelaide. He was aged 27 and his last place of residence is listed as Grevesmühlen, Mecklenburg, a fact confirmed by the German newspaper of the time. His mother Maria Louise nee Temme was born in South Australia in 1859 of German parents.
The Baumann family resided and operated a store at 63 Main Street, Hahndorf – a modern day picture of which is included here.
Current view of Baumann's house and store - 63 Main Street, Hahndorf, South Australia
sourceGoogle Earth 2020
In her book, 'Hahndorf - A Journey through the Village and its History' [2002], Anni Luur Fox outlines some of the history of the Main street property and of the Baumann family:
“The building was completed in 1887 for Christian Baumann and his wife Mary (christened Marie). She was born into the well-known Temme family of Springbank, which operated a bluestone quarry that supplied stone for many Adelaide buildings including Bethlehem Lutheran Church. They also had a market-garden in the foothills.”
And later, the author writes:
“Christian Baumann had completed an apprenticeship as a draper before coming to Australia in 1877 in the ship “Peter Godeffroy”. He had married Mary in 1881. By 1883, he had bought August Meyer’s drapery business at 63 Main Street, Hahndorf. In three years the business had grown to allow for the grand new building to take shape. Christian and Mary continued running the store and taking part in community life until 1905 when they moved to Eastwood.
“The couple had nine children. The eldest was Hermine Emma Elise, called Minnie, born in 1882. She married Gottfried Eduard Paech, generally known as Ted, in November 1905. Their first child Hazel born in 1906, was followed by five others over nineteen years. A tiny widow aged 83 when I met her, Minnie had a remarkably straight back, a keen eye and a sprightliness that belied her years.
As a small girl she had taken part in planting Hahndorf’s avenue of trees in 1885. Her great-uncle, Rebensberg vigneron Eduard Schroeder, had been the originator of the scheme, and like the rest of their large family circle, the Baumanns joined in the celebrations. It must have been truly memorable, for Minnie instantly burst into the tree-planting song composed for the occasion by Teacher Ey at the Lutheran School
“Happy are we today. Bells are ringing, birds are singing ….”
Knowing that Mr Ey’s students had sung in German that day I asked why she sang in English. She replied, “Paechs went to the Lutheran school. Baumanns went to the public school because Mr. Ey spent too much time in the pub. Parents paid four pence for each child in Grade 1, six pence for Grade 2. No-one stayed in Grade 1 for long!” It was a wry comment on her parents’ view of the parish school.”
It was important to the Baumanns that their children learned to speak English without a German accent. Accordingly, the Baumann children went to the Hahndorf Public School. During the war, there was strong anti-German sentiment with almost forty Lutheran schools closed and German-language classes banned. The town of Hahndorf itself was renamed Ambleside to avoid persecution. Oscar’s eldest brother Christian (Henry) changed his name to Bowman in 1915, and Walter anglicised his name to Bowman in 1941 . Oscar’s brother Walter even anglicised his name to Bowman in later years. During the war, there was strong anti-German sentiment with almost forty Lutheran schools closed and German-language classes banned. The town of Hahndorf itself was renamed Ambleside to avoid persecution.
1916 – His duty nobly done
Oscar was posted missing in France on 20 July 1916 and his name appeared on the German Death list dated 9 September 1916. His personnel records show the translation of an undated German message which states:
Voucher - Herewith is confirmed a Death Card according to which Australian Prisoner of War Sergeant O.E. Baumann, Iden: Disc 10, 32nd Btn. died on 2/7/16. Iden: disc handed over by Intell: Off. Of 6th Army Hd. Qrs. 17/8/16.
Oscar Eric Baumann KIA
sourceNAA: B2455, BAUMANN, Oscar Eric – First AIF Personnel Dossiers 1914-1920, page 28
Note that the date, 2 July 1916, is believed to be a misprint and was treated as such as the Assistant Adjutant General ruled on 3 October 1916 that Oscar be reported as killed in action on 20 July 1916. Accordingly, Oscar’s name was added to the list of British Dead and he was struck off strength on 20 October.
The Baumann Family at Home
Oscar’s older brother, 2561 Private Walter Oscar Baumann, enlisted on 16 October 1915 shortly after Oscar. Walter also went to Egypt but on 15 May 1916 he developed an inguinal hernia and was evacuated to Australia for an operation. He arrived in Melbourne on 22 July - unaware that his brother had been killed two days prior - and was eventually discharged in January 1917 for medical reasons. It was one of Walter’s Bowman descendants who offered a sample that led to his identification.
The family placed memorial notices in the newspaper on the anniversary of his death and it is clear that Oscar always remained in the memories of his parents and his eight siblings - Minnie, Henry, Johanna, Olga, Walter, Elsa, Rudolf and Emma – and their families.
Photo of the headstone for an unidentified Australian soldier at Pheasant Wood Military Cemetery, Fromelles, France where family still hopes that Oscar may be buried.
sourceFromelles Association of Australia
Found at Last
On 24th April 2023 news was released that Oscar has been identified as one of the soldiers buried at Pheasant Wood Military Cemetery at Fromelles, France. We will update his story to include details of the ceremony when it is held in July 2023.
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